DOS Days

4D Sports Boxing

Released: 1991
Published by: Mindscape / Electronic Arts
Developed by: Distinctive Software, Inc.
Author(s): Don Mattrick, Stanley Chow, Jay MacDonald, Chris Taylor, Rick Friesen, Brian Eheler, Gerard DeSouza, David Adams, Michael J. Sokyrka, Krisjan Hatlelid, Brian Plank.

                MCGA/VGA Graphics

CGA Graphics


System Requirements

System Requirements 8088/8086 CPU. 640K RAM required. Recommend CPUs above 10 MHz as a minimum to ensure maximum frame rate.
Graphics support for CGA, EGA, MCGA, Tandy/PCjr and VGA graphics.
Audio support for PC speaker, Ad Lib, Sound Blaster, Tandy DAC, Tandy/PCjr or Roland MT-32.
Joystick optional.
Original Media Version 1.0 comes on one 3.5" 720 KB (DD) floppy disk.
Version 2.0 comes on either four 5.25" 360 KB (DD) floppy disks, or two 3.5" 720 KB (DD) floppy disks.
Installed Size (MB) 669 KB

From where can it be run?

The game can run from floppy disk but is better to install it to your hard disk, especially if you have the 5.25" disks, since there are two of them. If you do so, only a single disk swap is needed (from Program disk to Data disk). Unfortunately, whilst the setup program does include an option to install to a hard disk, when selecting where to copy from, only actual floppy drives that are detected are allowed, not directories. This is only a problem if you're trying to install from, say, a temporary directory on your hard disk to a final "installed" directory.

Game Audio/Video

Roland MT-32 "Old" 
Roland MT-32 "New" 
Sound Blaster (emulated)  
Sound Blaster (CT2770)  
Ad Lib (emulated)  
Hall of Fame
Roland MT-32 "Old" 
Roland MT-32 "New" 
Sound Blaster (emulated)  
Ad Lib (emulated)  
Game Introduction (video) SB audio
Andy's Recommendation
"4D Sports Boxing is best played on a 386 (any speed) with the MCGA graphics mode - this will provide the richest experience the game has to offer. This is one of the rare games where the original OPL2/3 Ad Lib/Sound Blaster audio in the Intro are, in my opinion, better - it's warmer and unfussy, so go with Ad Lib as the audio option. The MT-32 intro uses harsh instruments that detract from the tune. In the Hall of Fame, the Ad Lib/SB track still resonates with me, as its the first version I heard it on, and it remains [again] warm and fluffy. By contrast, the MT-32 version is definitely sonically superior, but does it need it? For a game like this, I would recommend just going with the Ad Lib/Sound Blaster setup."


Copy Protection

The game has manual copy protection - when you go into "Exhibition" or "Main Event" and you've chosen your boxers (red and blue), it asks you for a specific word in the manual, given a page number, column, line number and word number.

Cracks do exist that bypass this check.

How to Setup

To configure the game for your hardware, run the provided setup.exe utility. When you run it, the program automatically detects the video display and sound card in your PC and selects those by default. You have the following options:

1) Main menu:

2) Video display options:

3) Select sound driver:

4) Install from and to which drives and directories:

There are two versions of this game, which as far as I can tell only change the music. To determine which version you have, run the game. If you see the Mindscape logo followed by "4D Sports(TM) Boxing", you have the Mindscape version. If, however, you see "Electronic Arts Sports Network Presents..." and then it reads "4D Boxing", then you have the Electronic Arts version.

Mindscape Version
In this version, the setup utility's choices are stored, and you can then start the game simply by running 'FIGHT.COM'.

Electronic Arts Sports Network (EASN) Version
In version 2.0 of the game (the Electronic Arts version), I noticed that the above setup, after saving, didn't make any changes. The only way to select different graphics and music settings was to use direct command-line arguments when you run one of the main graphics executable files, as follows:

4DBCGA.EXE - play the game with CGA graphics
4DBEGA.EXE - play the game with EGA graphics
4DBMCGA.EXE - play the game with MCGA/VGA graphics
4DBTDY.EXE - play the game with Tandy/PCjr graphics

Then, for your chosen file, run it with these arguments:

4dbmcga.exe n mt15.drv d

I'm not sure what the "n" and "d" options do - it's not obvious. To choose the music type, change the driver that gets loaded above by replacing the 'mt15.drv' text in my example above with one of these:-

AD15.DRV - Ad Lib music
MT15.DRV - MT-32 music
PC15.DRV - PC speaker
SB15.DRV - Sound Blaster music
TD15.DRV - Tandy/PCJr music

To abort the setup/game startup and return to the command prompt, press ESC.

Choosing the Roland Sound option works with a game port MIDI cable connected between your Roland MT-32 and sound card's Game/MIDI port, so it does *not* require an "Intelligent" mode interface such as the MFC-IPC or equivalent. SoftMPU is also not required.

The game doesn't require any extended memory (XMS) or expanded memory (EMS) drivers to be loaded, and runs quite happily in DOS with just 532 KB of free conventional memory.


Symptom: The frame rate during the fight itself is very slow.
Cause: You're probably running the game on an XT or 286 that has a low clock speed (10 MHz or lower).
Resolution: Run the game on a faster computer, e.g. a 386 with 16 MHz clock speed or higher. Alternatively, you can decrease the rendering level which reduces the number of polygons that make up each character, and hence gives the CPU less to work on. Before the fight starts, go into "Controls" and where you see the icon with the 2 men, select it. Then choose either the leftmost icon to increase rendering, or the second icon to decrease it. You will see the image at the top of the screen change to show you what the boxers will look like at that rendering level.

Symptom: Roland MT-32 sound has some bad glitches.
Cause: The game's music was composed using a Roland MT-32 "new" (one with a headphone jack on the rear) - you're trying to play the game using an MT-32 "old" (without the headphone jack). The differences between these versions is outlined here.
Resolution: If you're using real hardware, you're pretty much out of luck. If emulating, you might be able to tweak your emulator to act like an MT-32 "new".

To Quit the Game

Press Ctrl-Q followed by "Y" to confirm at the "Exit to DOS?" prompt.

Supporting Documents

Here are the original documents that came with the game:

Save Games

Save game files can be created in this game. These store your boxer's profile and achievements. To do so, go to the Gym from the main menu and choose "Export Boxer". You will be given a choice of either A: or B:. There is no hard disk option, though you might be able to use the DOS SUBST command before running the game to mimic drive A: or B: as a hard disk subdirectory (I've not tried this though). You can then later import a boxer using the "Import Boxer" option.

The actual save game files are rather obscure - save game data is written to files CONFIG1.DAT, CONFIG2.DAT, etc. These are not text-readable or editable.

Third-Party Tools

File Comments
4DED 4D Boxing Character Editor. A DOS utility you can use to edit all the boxers statistics.

Versions of the game known to exist

The game version can be seen by running Setup.exe. In the top bar the version of the game is shown. This is accurate. Loading the game and choosing "Options" from the main menu and then choosing "Ver #" is inaccurate - both versions below report their version as "1.0" despite being distinctively (mind the pun) different.

Version Date Comments Box Art
1.0 (Mindscape version) Jun 1991 First release. Intro shows the Mindscape logo followed by "4D Sports(TM) Boxing". Main menu music and Hall of Fame are completely different (and better IMHO). NumLock should be on and use the keypad to navigate. The separate arrow keys don't appear to work well for navigation.
2.0 (EASN version) Feb 1992 Intro shows EASN logo followed by "4D Boxing". Different music and pupils added to boxers' eyes. Logo in middle of ring reads "New York" instead of the Mindscape logo. Separate arrow keys work well for navigation in this version.


Original Floppy Disk Contents

Disk 1 of 4 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD)
"Program Disk" (446602):

Directory of A:\


Disk 2 of 4 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD)
"Data Disk" (446606):

Directory of A:\

Disk 3 of 4 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD)
"Data Disk" (446612):

Directory of A:\

Disk 4 of 4 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD)
"Data Disk" (446616):

Directory of A:\

Version 1.0 of the game.
Disk 1 of 1 (3.5" 720 KB DS/DD):

Directory of A:\
AD15     DRV         3,285 10-24-90  10:43a
ADBOXFX DVC 1,408 08-30-90 11:07a
ADBOXFX DFX 760 08-30-90 11:23a
ADBOXFX SFX 760 08-30-90 11:23a
ADBOXFX VCE 1,296 08-31-90 12:44p
ADBOXMS VCE 2,944 11-01-90 10:55a
BOXER DAT 828 10-04-90 2:25p
BCDATA1 DAT 2,082 02-06-91 1:20p
BIGFONT FNT 1,829 08-14-90 10:49a
BOXFOURD XVS 2,488 01-23-91 9:25a
BOXING SLB 10,516 08-14-90 10:26a
BOXINTRO PKM 518 02-04-91 1:36p
BOXLOSE PKM 574 02-04-91 1:36p
BOXTHEME PKM 4,885 02-04-91 1:36p
BOXTRAIN PKM 4,878 02-04-91 1:36p
BOXWIN PKM 1,682 02-04-91 1:36p
CGA COD 42,806 02-04-91 2:37p
CGA DIF 15,126 02-04-91 2:37p
CGA HDR 11,882 02-04-91 2:37p
CHALLENG DAT 6,800 11-22-90 4:59p
CHALLENG XVS 1,820 11-22-90 2:24p
CONFIG1 DAT 8 02-06-91 1:08p
CONFIG2 DAT 240 12-06-90 9:47a
CONFIG3 DAT 240 07-12-90 5:51p
COMP PDA 7,411 11-15-90 4:11p
CONTROL XVS 842 11-22-90 2:24p
CREATE XVS 1,675 11-22-90 2:23p
DATABASE XVS 1,983 11-22-90 2:23p
DECIDE XVS 5,312 11-22-90 2:24p
DSILOGO PES 1,078 11-22-90 2:24p
EGA CMN 119,550 02-04-91 2:37p
EGA COD 56,091 02-04-91 2:37p
EGA HDR 11,862 02-04-91 2:37p
FIGHT COM 758 08-07-90 1:27p
FONTLED FNT 704 08-13-90 2:40p
FONTN FNT 1,443 09-19-90 11:11a
HALLFAME PKM 2,706 02-04-91 1:36p
HALLFAME XVS 5,463 11-22-90 2:24p
HEAD1 DAT 660 10-04-90 2:27p
HEAD2 DAT 660 10-04-90 2:30p
HEAD3 DAT 840 10-04-90 2:30p
HEAD4 DAT 750 10-04-90 2:30p
HEAD5 DAT 690 10-04-90 2:31p
HEAD6 DAT 750 10-04-90 2:31p
HEAD7 DAT 930 10-04-90 2:31p
HEAD8 DAT 780 10-04-90 2:32p
HEAD9 DAT 780 10-04-90 2:32p
HEAD10 DAT 750 10-04-90 2:28p
HEAD11 DAT 840 10-04-90 2:28p
HEAD12 DAT 840 10-04-90 2:28p
HEAD13 DAT 840 10-04-90 2:29p
HEAD14 DAT 840 10-04-90 2:29p
ICON PES 11,103 12-19-90 10:50a
LOAD EXE 21,711 11-05-90 3:50p
MCGA COD 35,428 02-04-91 2:38p
MCGA DIF 15,273 02-04-91 2:38p
MCGA HDR 11,738 02-04-91 2:38p
MOVE PDA 11,206 11-15-90 5:09p
MT15 DRV 1,667 10-05-90 10:28p
MT32 PLB 1,779 11-06-90 2:24p
MTBOXFX SFX 760 11-06-90 11:46a
MTBOXFX VCE 1,248 11-05-90 6:47a
MTBOXMS VCE 1,376 11-06-90 11:55a
PANELS XVS 1,921 11-22-90 2:24p
PANLABS PES 1,533 11-22-90 2:25p
PC15 DRV 2,190 10-05-90 4:22p
PCBOXFX DVC 1,344 08-30-90 11:08a
PCBOXFX DFX 722 08-30-90 11:31a
PCBOXFX SFX 722 08-30-90 11:31a
PCBOXFX VCE 1,328 08-31-90 12:26p
PCBOXMS VCE 1,600 11-01-90 10:54a
PUBLLOGO PES 2,779 12-12-90 12:48p
PUBLRING XVS 7,956 12-12-90 12:48p
PUBLTITL XVS 21,515 01-21-91 3:43p
PUNCH PDA 8,426 11-15-90 4:12p
RING00 XVS 8,629 11-22-90 2:23p
ROUND PES 847 11-22-90 2:25p
SB15 DRV 3,523 10-04-90 10:57a
SBBOXFX DFX 760 08-30-90 11:23a
SBBOXFX DVC 1,408 11-06-90 2:32p
SBBOXFX SFX 760 08-30-90 11:23a
SBBOXFX VCE 1,296 08-31-90 12:44p
SBBOXMS VCE 2,944 11-01-90 10:55a
SETUP EXE 15,497 02-06-91 10:20a
SETUP DAT 94 10-24-97 12:22p
SPEC PDA 22,630 11-15-90 4:11p
STOOLS XVS 819 11-22-90 2:24p
TD15 DRV 2,993 11-01-90 12:47p
TDBOXFX SFX 731 07-12-90 2:29p
TDBOXFX VCE 1,440 07-26-90 2:03p
TDBOXMS VCE 2,384 11-01-90 12:44p
TDY DIF 15,061 02-04-91 2:38p
TDY HDR 11,918 02-04-91 2:38p
TDY COD 41,608 02-04-91 2:38p
TRAIN PDA 10,856 11-15-90 4:12p
TRAINING XVS 1,781 11-22-90 2:23p
WINDOW1 XVS 4,898 11-22-90 2:24p
WINDOW2 XVS 768 11-22-90 2:24p
98 file(s) 666,453 bytes

Version 2.0 of the game.
Disk 1 of 2 (3.5" 720 KB DS/DD):

Directory of A:\
4DBCGA EXE 114,662 30-07-1991 14:48
4DBEGA BAT 162 23-07-1991 11:15
4DBEGA EXE 120,581 30-07-1991 14:48
4DBMCGA EXE 111,670 30-07-1991 14:47
4DBTDY EXE 114,244 30-07-1991 14:49
AD15 DRV 3,518 26-04-1991 10:45
ADBOXFX DVC 2,814 12-03-1991 14:12
ADBOXMS VCE 4,434 12-02-1991 12:07
BIGFONT PFN 1,021 28-01-1991 16:40
BOX BAT 39 02-08-1991 13:44
BOXER DAT 828 04-10-1990 14:25
CONFIG2 DAT 240 07-05-1991 19:08
DICK DAT 2,100 10-07-1991 16:21
FONTLED PFN 197 28-01-1991 16:40
FONTN PFN 869 28-01-1991 16:40
GEBOXFX DSF 1,602 21-02-1991 14:42
GEBOXNEW SLB 13,954 08-01-1991 14:19
HARRY DAT 1,710 10-07-1991 16:22
HEAD1 DAT 720 10-07-1991 16:23
HEAD10 DAT 810 10-07-1991 16:23
HEAD11 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:24
HEAD12 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:24
HEAD13 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:25
HEAD14 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:26
HEAD2 DAT 720 10-07-1991 16:26
HEAD3 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:36
HEAD4 DAT 810 10-07-1991 16:29
HEAD5 DAT 750 10-07-1991 16:35
HEAD6 DAT 810 10-07-1991 16:31
HEAD7 DAT 990 10-07-1991 16:32
HEAD8 DAT 840 26-07-1991 10:53
HEAD9 DAT 840 10-07-1991 16:32
ICON1 PES 6,235 29-07-1991 13:50
MT15 DRV 1,788 22-04-1991 17:27
MT32 PLB 1,779 06-11-1990 14:24
MTBOXFX SFX 760 06-11-1990 11:46
MTBOXFX VCE 1,248 05-11-1990 6:47
MTBOXMS VCE 3,945 12-02-1991 12:08
NEWS PFN 872 28-01-1991 16:40
PALETTE XVS 993 05-07-1991 14:42
PANLABS PES 1,533 05-07-1991 14:43
PC15 DRV 2,453 11-02-1991 11:21
PCBOXFX DVC 2,814 12-03-1991 14:13
PCBOXMS VCE 1,626 12-02-1991 12:10
PCBOXNEW SLB 22,042 14-03-1991 14:20
SB15 DRV 4,892 26-04-1991 10:47
SBBOXFX DSF 1,602 21-02-1991 14:29
SBBOXFX DVC 2,922 12-03-1991 14:11
SBBOXMS VCE 4,326 12-02-1991 12:08
SETUP EXE 8,147 30-07-1991 15:16
SEVEN20 DAT 27 22-03-1991 11:42
TD15 DRV 3,241 05-03-1991 16:28
TDBOXFX DVC 3,082 01-04-1991 16:07
TDBOXFX SFX 731 12-07-1990 14:29
TDBOXFX VCE 1,424 21-03-1991 15:56
TDBOXMS DVC 3,844 13-03-1991 16:47
TDBOXMS VCE 3,743 27-02-1991 16:17
57 File(s) 592,504 Bytes

Version 2.0 of the game.
Disk 2 of 2 (3.5" 720 KB DS/DD):

Directory of A:\
4DBEGA BAT 162 23-07-1991 11:15
ADBOXFX DVC 2,814 12-03-1991 14:12
BCDATA1 DAT 2,082 02-08-1991 13:46
BCDATA2 DAT 2,080 02-08-1991 13:45
BELL XVS 9,817 05-07-1991 14:41
BOX BAT 39 29-07-1991 14:14
BOXER XVS 8,842 05-07-1991 14:41
BOXFOURD XVS 2,493 05-07-1991 14:39
CHALLENG DAT 6,800 09-01-1991 17:07
CHALLENG XVS 1,820 05-07-1991 14:39
COMP PDA 7,411 15-11-1990 16:11
CONFIG1 DAT 8 02-08-1991 13:46
CONFIG2 DAT 240 07-05-1991 19:08
CONFIG3 DAT 240 23-04-1991 13:43
CONTROL XVS 842 05-07-1991 14:39
CREATE XVS 1,675 05-07-1991 14:38
DATABASE XVS 1,983 05-07-1991 14:39
DECIDE PES 6,682 05-07-1991 14:43
DECIDE SPV 15,254 08-07-1991 17:59
DICK DAT 2,100 10-07-1991 16:21
DSILOGO PES 1,078 05-07-1991 14:42
DSIRING PES 9,356 05-07-1991 14:44
DSIRING SPV 18,869 05-07-1991 14:40
GEBFIGHT SLB 2,918 12-03-1991 14:07
GEBOXANN SLB 13,386 14-03-1991 13:08
GEBOXNEW SLB 13,954 08-01-1991 14:19
GECOUNT SLB 14,860 14-03-1991 14:03
GECROWD DSF 317 12-02-1991 10:09
GECROWD DVC 330 12-02-1991 10:09
GECROWD SFX 6 11-02-1991 12:46
GECROWD SLB 17,646 11-02-1991 13:54
GECROWD VCE 6 11-02-1991 12:46
GECROWD2 SLB 6 11-02-1991 12:46
GEHALL PKM 2,995 28-03-1991 11:59
GEHEART PKM 1,574 28-03-1991 11:59
GETHEME PKM 3,408 07-05-1991 17:31
GETRAIN PKM 4,056 28-03-1991 11:59
GEYEROUT SLB 8,418 21-02-1991 12:06
HALLFAME XVS 5,922 05-07-1991 14:40
HAND XVS 15,353 05-07-1991 14:42
HARRY DAT 1,710 10-07-1991 16:22
HEAD1 DAT 720 10-07-1991 16:23
HEAD10 DAT 810 10-07-1991 16:23
HEAD11 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:24
HEAD12 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:24
HEAD13 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:25
HEAD14 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:26
HEAD2 DAT 720 10-07-1991 16:26
HEAD3 DAT 900 10-07-1991 16:36
HEAD4 DAT 810 10-07-1991 16:29
HEAD5 DAT 750 10-07-1991 16:35
HEAD6 DAT 810 10-07-1991 16:31
HEAD7 DAT 990 10-07-1991 16:32
HEAD8 DAT 840 26-07-1991 10:53
HEAD9 DAT 840 10-07-1991 16:32
ICON1 PES 6,235 29-07-1991 13:50
ICON2 PES 7,277 29-07-1991 13:50
INTRO XVS 1,870 05-07-1991 14:42
LASVEGAS PES 7,189 05-07-1991 14:44
LASVEGAS SPV 19,105 05-07-1991 14:40
LOCKERS XVS 8,879 05-07-1991 14:41
MOVE PDA 11,206 15-11-1990 17:09
MTBOXFX VCE 1,248 05-11-1990 6:47
MTCROWD SFX 273 25-02-1991 12:11
MTCROWD VCE 309 25-02-1991 12:07
NEWSRING XVS 11,265 08-07-1991 17:56
NEWYORK PES 7,649 05-07-1991 14:44
NEWYORK SPV 19,093 05-07-1991 14:40
PALETTE XVS 993 05-07-1991 14:42
PANELS XVS 2,005 05-07-1991 14:39
PANLABS PES 1,533 05-07-1991 14:43
PAPER XVS 8,121 30-07-1991 9:16
PCBOXFX DVC 2,814 12-03-1991 14:13
PCBOXNEW SLB 22,042 14-03-1991 14:20
PCHALL KMS 982 08-02-1991 14:31
PCHEART KMS 925 15-02-1991 12:13
PCTHEME KMS 860 13-02-1991 10:41
PCTRAIN KMS 983 08-02-1991 11:23
PUBLLOGO XVS 2,040 11-07-1991 10:22
PUBLRING PES 7,502 08-07-1991 17:43
PUBLRING SPV 18,426 08-07-1991 17:44
PUBLTITL XVS 21,265 30-07-1991 11:23
PUNCH PDA 8,426 15-11-1990 16:12
ROUND PES 847 05-07-1991 14:43
SBBOXFX DVC 2,922 12-03-1991 14:11
SBCROWD DVC 330 09-01-1991 13:23
SBCROWD SFX 317 09-01-1991 13:23
SBCROWD SLB 30,963 09-01-1991 13:32
SBCROWD2 SLB 11,594 09-01-1991 13:33
SPEC PDA 22,630 15-11-1990 16:11
STOOLS XVS 1,527 05-07-1991 14:40
TDBOXFX DVC 3,082 01-04-1991 16:07
TDBOXFX VCE 1,424 21-03-1991 15:56
TRAIN PDA 10,856 15-11-1990 16:12
TRAINING XVS 1,781 05-07-1991 14:39
WINDOW1 XVS 4,898 05-07-1991 14:39
WINDOW2 XVS 768 05-07-1991 14:39
97 File(s) 515,796 Bytes

Installed Directory Contents

Once installed, the following directory structure exists in the game directory:

    Directory of D:\GAMES\4DBOXING
    .            <DIR>         11-09-21   4:54p
    ..           <DIR>         11-09-21   4:54p
    AD15     DRV         3,285 07-18-02   8:58p
    ADBOXFX DFX 760 07-18-02 8:58p
    ADBOXFX DVC 1,408 07-18-02 8:58p
    ADBOXFX SFX 760 07-18-02 8:58p
    ADBOXFX VCE 1,296 07-18-02 8:58p
    ADBOXMS VCE 2,944 07-18-02 8:58p
    BCDATA1 DAT 2,082 06-03-04 7:33p
    BCDATA2 DAT 2,080 06-03-04 7:32p
    BIGFONT FNT 1,829 07-18-02 8:58p
    BOXER DAT 828 07-18-02 8:58p
    BOXFOURD XVS 2,488 07-18-02 8:58p
    BOXING SLB 10,516 07-18-02 8:58p
    BOXINTRO PKM 518 07-18-02 8:58p
    BOXLOSE PKM 574 07-18-02 8:58p
    BOXTHEME PKM 4,885 07-18-02 8:58p
    BOXTRAIN PKM 4,878 07-18-02 8:58p
    BOXWIN PKM 1,682 07-18-02 8:58p
    CGA COD 42,806 07-18-02 8:58p
    CGA DIF 15,126 07-18-02 8:58p
    CGA HDR 11,882 07-18-02 8:58p
    CHALLENG DAT 6,800 07-18-02 8:58p
    CHALLENG XVS 1,820 07-18-02 8:58p
    COMP PDA 7,411 07-18-02 8:58p
    CONFIG1 DAT 8 06-03-04 7:29p
    CONFIG2 DAT 240 07-18-02 8:58p
    CONFIG3 DAT 240 07-18-02 8:58p
    CONTROL XVS 842 07-18-02 8:58p
    CREATE XVS 1,675 07-18-02 8:58p
    DATABASE XVS 1,983 07-18-02 8:58p
    DECIDE XVS 5,312 07-18-02 8:58p
    DSILOGO PES 1,078 07-18-02 8:58p
    EGA CMN 119,550 07-18-02 8:58p
    EGA COD 56,091 07-18-02 8:58p
    EGA HDR 11,862 07-18-02 8:58p
    FIGHT COM 758 07-18-02 8:58p
    FONTLED FNT 704 07-18-02 8:58p
    FONTN FNT 1,443 07-18-02 8:58p
    HALLFAME PKM 2,706 07-18-02 8:58p
    HALLFAME XVS 5,463 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD1 DAT 660 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD2 DAT 660 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD3 DAT 840 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD4 DAT 750 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD5 DAT 690 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD6 DAT 750 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD7 DAT 930 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD8 DAT 780 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD9 DAT 780 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD10 DAT 750 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD11 DAT 840 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD12 DAT 840 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD13 DAT 840 07-18-02 8:58p
    HEAD14 DAT 840 07-18-02 8:58p
    ICON PES 11,103 07-18-02 8:58p
    LFIGHT COM 123 07-18-02 8:58p
    LOAD EXE 21,711 07-18-02 8:58p
    MCGA COD 35,428 07-18-02 8:58p
    MCGA DIF 15,273 07-18-02 8:58p
    MCGA HDR 11,738 07-18-02 8:58p
    MOVE PDA 11,206 07-18-02 8:58p
    MT15 DRV 1,667 07-18-02 8:58p
    MT32 PLB 1,779 07-18-02 8:58p
    MTBOXFX SFX 760 07-18-02 8:58p
    MTBOXFX VCE 1,248 07-18-02 8:58p
    MTBOXMS VCE 1,376 07-18-02 8:58p
    PANELS XVS 1,921 07-18-02 8:58p
    PANLABS PES 1,533 07-18-02 8:58p
    PC15 DRV 2,190 07-18-02 8:58p
    PCBOXFX DFX 722 07-18-02 8:58p
    PCBOXFX DVC 1,344 07-18-02 8:58p
    PCBOXFX SFX 722 07-18-02 8:58p
    PCBOXFX VCE 1,328 07-18-02 8:58p
    PCBOXMS VCE 1,600 07-18-02 8:58p
    PUBLLOGO PES 2,779 07-18-02 8:58p
    PUBLRING XVS 7,956 07-18-02 8:58p
    PUBLTITL XVS 21,515 07-18-02 8:58p
    PUNCH PDA 8,426 07-18-02 8:58p
    RING00 XVS 8,629 07-18-02 8:58p
    ROUND PES 847 07-18-02 8:58p
    SB15 DRV 3,523 07-18-02 8:58p
    SBBOXFX DFX 760 07-18-02 8:58p
    SBBOXFX DVC 1,408 07-18-02 8:58p
    SBBOXFX SFX 760 07-18-02 8:58p
    SBBOXFX VCE 1,296 07-18-02 8:58p
    SBBOXMS VCE 2,944 07-18-02 8:58p
    SETUP DAT 94 10-16-20 3:00p
    SETUP EXE 15,529 07-18-02 8:58p
    SPEC PDA 22,630 07-18-02 8:58p
    STOOLS XVS 819 07-18-02 8:58p
    TD15 DRV 2,993 07-18-02 8:58p
    TDBOXFX SFX 731 07-18-02 8:58p
    TDBOXFX VCE 1,440 07-18-02 8:58p
    TDBOXMS VCE 2,384 07-18-02 8:58p
    TDY COD 41,608 07-18-02 8:58p
    TDY DIF 15,061 07-18-02 8:58p
    TDY HDR 11,918 07-18-02 8:58p
    TRAIN PDA 10,856 07-18-02 8:58p
    TRAINING XVS 1,781 07-18-02 8:58p
    WINDOW1 XVS 4,898 07-18-02 8:58p
    WINDOW2 XVS 768 07-18-02 8:58p
    102 file(s) 668,688 bytes