DOS Days

Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places)

Released: October 1988
Published by: Sierra On-Line, Inc.
Developed by: Sierra On-Line, Inc.
Credits: Al Lowe, William Skirvin, Bonnie Borucki, Douglas Herring, Jeff Stephenson, Robert Heitman, Pablo Ghenis, Stuart Goldstein.

System Requirements

System Requirements Turbo 8088 or 8086 and compatibles. 512K RAM required. DOS 2.11 or later. Graphics support: Tandy, CGA, EGA, MCGA/VGA (320 x 200 in 16 colours).
Audio support: IBM Music Card, Ad Lib, Tandy, or Roland MT-32
Peripheral support: Joystick or mouse.
Original Media Six 5.25" 360 KB (DS/DD) disks or three 3.5" 720 KB (DS/DD) disks.
Installed Size 1.75 MB of hard disk space.

The second game in the Leisure Suit Larry series picks up where the first game ended, with Larry happily settled down in a nice neighbourhood with the woman of his dreams.... or so we thought. He is kicked out with no money and no girl. Behind the scenes the evil Dr. Nontoonyt is plotting his dastardly schemes, and Larry soon finds himself being chased by the KGB everywhere he goes.

Featuring an improved user interface and higher-resolution graphics (now 320 x 200 stretched out to 640 x 400), LSL2 was one of the first Sierra titles to use the new SCI (Sierra Creative Intepreter) interface, the first being King's Quest IV.

Unlike Leisure Suit Larry 1, LSL2 has a more linear storyline to follow where you are taken to a variety of different locations rather than it all taking place in a single town.

It is certainly one of the most beloved of the Larry series, despite it being possibly the one that has the most abilities for your player to die (something many adventure gamers loathed about Sierra titles).


From where can it be run?

From the original floppy disks or installed to a hard disk using the INSTALL.EXE utility. See 'How to Setup' for more information.


Copy Protection

When you first start the game you are presented with a photograph of a girl. Check your game manual which has these photographs on each page and type in the girl's phone number:


For convenience I've included a cheat sheet of the phone numbers in the Additional Files section below. Entering a number of 0724 will work for all photographs in some versions of the game.

How to Setup

The game doesn't require any extended memory (XMS) or expanded memory (EMS) drivers to be loaded. To install the game or configure the graphics and audio settings, run INSTALL.EXE:

The video, sound, keyboard and mouse configuration is stored in the file RESOURCE.CFG, which is text-readable and editable.

If installing to a hard disk, this must be done from the A: or B: drive. Using the DOS SUBST command to mimic a subdirectory on your hard disk to install from does work as long as every file from all floppies are in that source directory. You cannot install from a hard disk without using SUBST. By default the game will install to the \SIERRA\LSL2 directory on your chosen hard disk.



The most common issues when trying to run LSL2 today are (a) the sound driver initialisation failing ("Unable to initialize your audio hardware" message), and (b) occurences where game events fail to take place or run too fast due to the internal game timer running according to the clock speed of your PC.

Both are caused by running the game on a machine that is too fast. All Sierra AGI games suffer from this speed-sensitivity problem, and while there are some patches out there, it is best to ensure your PC runs at a period-correct speed. In the case of LSL2 that came out in 1988, this means a 386DX-25 at the fastest. Try disabling your L1 and/or L2 cache, run tools like Moslow/Goslow, or if running something like a Pentium II, Cyrix 5x86 or AMD K5 or K6, disable other CPU features using the SetMul utility.


To Quit the Game

If you're playing the text parser version, simply type "QUIT" and when prompted, confirm. Alternatively, press CTRL-Q or hit ESC to bring up the menu and navigate to File -> Quit.

Supporting Documents

Here are the original documents that came with the game:

And here are some aftermarket links:

Additional Files, Drivers & Utilities


Save Games

The location of save game files is entirely up to you! When you type the word "SAVE" (or press F5) you will be prompted for a directory where you wish the save game file to be stored. By default this will be the same directory in which the executable file was run.

Once you've chosen the location you are shown 12 'slots' in which save games can be stored. Any slots that have a save game already stored will display their description. Once the slot has been chosen, you are prompted to give a description for the save game. Once completed, the save game will be stored in a file called lsl2sg.x where x is a three-digit slot number from 000 to 012. In addition, the file lsl2sg.dir stores the descriptive names of all the save game files.

This is actually a great way of storing save games, as you are not limited to 12 slots - if you need more you can create a directory anywhere and use that to store a further 12 save games.

To restore a saved game, type the word "RESTORE" (or press F7) and you will be prompted for the location where your save games are stored. By default this will be the same directory in which the executable game file was run. After choosing a drive/directory, the list of save games that exist in that directory are shown. Move the arrow keys to the one you wish to restore, and hit <Enter>.


Versions of the game known to exist

Version Date Comments
1.000.011 27 Oct 1988 Dual media version (with 5.25" and 3.5" DS/DD diskettes included in the box).
Comes with SCI0 intepreter v0.000.343.
1.002.000 11 Jan 1989 Comes with SCI0 intepreter v0.000.409.

Original Floppy Disk Contents

The floppy disks have a volume label of "LSL Disk 1", "LSL Disk 2", etc. Here are each disk's contents (this is from version 1.002.000):

    Disk 1 of 6 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD) v1.002.000:

    Directory of A:\
    ADL      DRV              5,857 16-11-1988 14:34
    CGA320BW DRV 2,029 10-11-1988 14:04
    CGA320C DRV 2,388 03-11-1988 22:02
    EGA320 DRV 1,952 15-09-1988 16:29
    EXISTS COM 574 09-09-1988 14:52
    GODIR COM 507 05-09-1988 9:24
    HERCMONO DRV 2,193 07-11-1988 20:39
    IBMKBD DRV 442 09-09-1988 16:59
    IMF DRV 2,005 16-11-1988 14:34
    INSTALL EXE 18,409 07-12-1988 11:25
    INSTGAME BAT 868 10-11-1988 18:52
    JOYSTICK DRV 494 09-09-1988 12:54
    JR DRV 2,069 13-12-1988 15:04
    LSL2 BAT 33 16-10-1988 12:37
    LSL2 QA 222 24-01-1989 10:45
    MCGA320 DRV 1,552 15-09-1988 16:29
    MT32 DRV 2,539 16-11-1988 14:35
    PCJR320 DRV 1,660 29-11-1988 17:00
    RESOURCE 001 143,847 11-01-1989 14:55
    RESOURCE MAP 5,628 11-01-1989 14:59
    SCIV EXE 73,697 07-12-1988 11:25
    SIERRA COM 538 29-11-1988 13:44
    SPACE COM 502 24-01-1989 9:57
    STD DRV 1,325 17-11-1988 10:37
    TANDY320 DRV 1,648 15-09-1988 16:29
    TANDYKBD DRV 477 09-09-1988 16:57
    __INSTH BAT 1,333 14-12-1988 14:30
    27 File(s) 274,788 Bytes


    Disk 2 of 6 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD):

    Directory of A:\
    LSL2     QA                 222 24-01-1989 10:45
    RESOURCE 002 348,331 11-01-1989 14:56
    2 File(s) 348,553 Bytes

    Disk 3 of 6 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD):

    Directory of A:\
    LSL2     QA                 222 24-01-1989 10:45
    RESOURCE 003 236,550 11-01-1989 14:57
    2 File(s) 236,772 Bytes

    Disk 4 of 6 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD):

    Directory of A:\
    LSL2     QA                 222 24-01-1989 10:45
    RESOURCE 004 204,861 11-01-1989 14:57
    2 File(s) 205,083 Bytes


    Disk 5 of 6 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD):

    Directory of A:\
    LSL2     QA                 222 24-01-1989 10:45
    RESOURCE 005 277,732 11-01-1989 14:58
    2 File(s) 277,954 Bytes

    Disk 6 of 6 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD):

    Directory of A:\
    LSL2     QA                 222 24-01-1989 10:45
    RESOURCE 006 345,683 11-01-1989 14:59
    2 File(s) 345,905 Bytes

    Disk 1 of 3 (3.5" 720 KB DS/DD) v1.002.000:

    Directory of A:\
    ADL      DRV              5,684 25-10-1988 16:58
    CGA320BW DRV 2,388 17-10-1988 10:56
    CGA320C DRV 2,388 19-10-1988 15:57
    EGA320 DRV 1,952 15-09-1988 16:29
    EXISTS COM 574 09-09-1988 14:52
    GODIR COM 507 05-09-1988 9:24
    IBMKBD DRV 442 09-09-1988 16:59
    IMF DRV 4,941 25-10-1988 16:41
    INSTALL EXE 18,201 14-10-1988 19:43
    INSTGAME BAT 895 17-10-1988 19:26
    JOYSTICK DRV 494 09-09-1988 12:54
    JR DRV 1,865 25-10-1988 16:50
    LSL2 BAT 33 16-10-1988 12:37
    LSL2 QA 191 27-10-1988 18:24
    MCGA320 DRV 1,552 15-09-1988 16:29
    MT32 DRV 2,771 25-10-1988 16:57
    RESOURCE 001 474,642 27-10-1988 20:04
    RESOURCE MAP 4,740 27-10-1988 20:07
    SIERRA EXE 71,679 26-10-1988 0:32
    SPACE COM 500 04-09-1988 17:11
    STD DRV 1,310 25-10-1988 16:44
    TANDY320 DRV 1,648 15-09-1988 16:29
    TANDYKBD DRV 477 09-09-1988 16:57
    __INSTH BAT 788 15-10-1988 23:23
    24 File(s) 600,662 Bytes


    Disk 2 of 3 (3.5" 720 KB DS/DD):

    Directory of A:\
    LSL2     QA                 191 27-10-1988 18:24
    RESOURCE 002 407,014 27-10-1988 20:05
    2 File(s) 407,205 Bytes

    Disk 3 of 3 (3.5" 720 KB DS/DD):

    Directory of A:\
    LSL2     QA                 191 27-10-1988 18:24
    RESOURCE 003 592,834 27-10-1988 20:07
    2 File(s) 593,025 Bytes