DOS Days

9FX Reality 332

The 9FX Reality 332 combined high-performance 64-bit 2D graphics acceleration, advanced 3D-rendering capabilities and high-quality video acceleration.

Released 1996
Chipset S3 ViRGE
Standards MDA, Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA
Memory 2 MB EDO DRAM
Ports 9-pin DSUB (RGB analogue video out)
Part #  
Price At launch:
See Also Number Nine Reality 334, Number Nine Reality 772

Advanced 3D Rendering Capabilities
The 9FX Reality 332's 3D-rendering capabilities include: hardware texture mapping with perspective correction for improved image quality and realism; bilinear filtering, which provides anti-aliasing to eliminate the staircasing effect that is often seen at lower resolutions; MIP Mapping, which eliminates the "blockiness" or "jaggies"; 16-Bit Z-Buffering, which is the 3D-rendering technique that manages the Z-data in hardware and off-loads the 3D processing from the
host processor; alpha-blending, which is used by games developers to create transparent 3-dimensional objects; and fogging, which developers use to create a hardware generated fog or haze.

High-Performance Graphics And Video Acceleration
In addition to delivering advanced 3D-rendering capabilities, Number Nine's 9FX Reality 332 also provides conventional Windows and video acceleration with a powerful 64-bit graphics engine. 2D and video acceleration includes:

  • high performance graphics acceleration capable of displaying resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 at 256 colors at 85MHz (or 1024 x 768 at 65,000 colors, or 800 x 600 at 16.7 million colors);
  • integrated VGA core that enables use of VGA-dependent applications and run DOS-based game at high-resolution, with fluid-like motion;
  • a Streams Processor that provides the stretching and YUV color space conversion features required for full screen video playback
    with both software CODECs and hardware MPEG-1 sources. The streams processor also allows simultaneous display of graphics
    and video of different color depths.

On 31st July 1996, Number Nine entered into an agreement with Dell Computer to offer their new 9FX Reality 332 graphics accelerator, based on S3's ViRGE chip, with Dell's Dimension XPS line of high-performance computers, designed for performance-minded small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the expanding home office market.

"As the entire industry scrambles to keep up with the demand for 3D graphics, our partnership with Dell to bring affordable 3D functionality to the mainstream PC market fills an important gap in the industry's current product offering," said Larry McIntosh, Vice President, OEM Sales of Number Nine. "In a highly competitive environment with a lot of players jockeying for position, we believe that this OEM deal with Dell is a strong endorsement of Number Nine's ability to deliver performance and functionality at a great price. This agreement may represent one of the highest unit opportunities in Number Nine's history."

The Reality 332 came in just 2 MB form, using the older and cheaper EDO DRAM.


Board Revisions

Known BIOS versions: 2.18.08



In the Media


Setting it Up


Operation Manual

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Original Utility Disk

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