DOS Days

Diamond Stealth 24 / Stealth 24VL

The Stealth 24 and Stealth 24VL were an enhancement on the earlier Stealth and Stealth VRAM from 1991 and 1992, replacing the S3 86C911 with the latest accelerator chipset for 1993, the 801/805. Stealth 24VL was the first graphics card from Diamond to run on the VESA Local Bus.

Released April 1993
Bus ISA 16-bit or VESA Local Bus
Chipset S3 86C801 (ISA) / S3 86C805 (VLB)
Standards Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA
Memory 1 MB DRAM (50ns)
Ports 15-pin DSUB (video out)
26-pin VGA Feature connector
Part #  
Price At launch: $249
See Also Diamond Stealth, Diamond Stealth VRAM


Board Revisions

Just one board revision for each bus is known: B1 (ISA variant) and C4 (VLB variant).




In the Media

"Both Diamond Computer Systems boards - the $249 86C801-based Diamond Stealth 24 and the $349 86C928-based Diamond Stealth Pro - produced an excellent Graphics Winmark score. The boards' AutoCAD scores were less impressive, though, and they had minor problems either with artifacts or properly clearing the screen in that environment. Additionally, the Stealth Pro needed a boost to get up to the level of DOS performance most of its 86C928-based peers provided."     PC Magazine, April 1993


Setting it Up


Operation Manual

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Original Utility Disk

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Video BIOS
Version 2.02

Courtesy of Vogons user keropi.
Dumps of Low and High BIOS chips from a SpeedStar 24 card. These are 32 KB each in size and both are labelled 'SPEEDSTAR 24X VER 2.02'. They contain identical code.

Windows 3.1 Drivers
Version 3.02e, 23 Feb 1995

Thanks to Laurent Cuisinet for providing these Windows drivers for the Stealth 24.




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