DOS Days

Alone in the Dark 2

Released: 1993
Published by: Infogrames Europe SA
Developed by: I-Motion, Inc.


Alone in the Dark 2 is the 1993 sequel to 1992's survival horror video game Alone in the Dark developed and published by Infogrames as the second installment in the series. It was ported to the PC-98 and FM Towns in 1994 and to the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer in 1995 under the same name, and to the Sega Saturn and PlayStation in 1996 as Alone in the Dark: Jack is Back in Europe, and renamed as Alone in the Dark: One-Eyed Jack's Revenge in North America.

The original game's horror theme has been significantly de-emphasized in the sequel. While there are some supernatural goings-on (Voodoo black magic), the main villains are gangsters and pirates. While the enemies are revealed to be possessed by evil spirits, and are green and zombie-like in appearance, they are far from the shambling walking corpses of the first game, and walk, talk, and behave much like ordinary people, arming themselves with guns and shooting at the player. The player can pick up weapons on the way such as a few firearms like the Revolver which you start off carrying and then there are shotguns, tommy guns, a Derringer pistol, flintlock pistols and melee weapons such as swords. The game world is larger than that of the original, encompassing not only the mansion, but also the surrounding gardens as well as a pirate ship hidden in caverns beneath the house; however, unlike the first game, with the exception of the main house, its locations may only be explored in a strictly linear sequence - a pattern that would continue in later sequels.

Although much of the game is spent playing as Carnby, the player will occasionally take control of Grace Saunders. Grace, a child, cannot fight and is instantly captured if the gangsters spot her, so instead she must sneak around and defeat the gangsters by turning common household objects into booby traps.

System Requirements

System Requirements Intel 80386 CPU, 2 MB RAM, DOS 5.0 or higher, 1x CD-ROM drive. MSCDEX v2.21 or higher.
Graphics support for VGA or Super VGA only.
Audio support for Adlib and Sound Blaster.
Keyboard and Mouse supported.
Original Media Nine 3.5" 1.44 MB (DS/HD) floppy disks, or one CD-ROM (from 1994).
Installed Size (MB) MB

From where can it be run?

Alone in the Dark 2 must be installed to your hard disk.

Copy Protection


How to Setup





Symptom: ?
Cause: ?
Resolution: ?

To Quit the Game


Supporting Documents


Save Games


Versions of the game known to exist

Version Date Comments
    Initial public release.


Original Floppy Disk /CD-ROM Contents

The nine floppy disks have no specific volume label, nor does the single CD. Here are their contents:

    Disk 1 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disk 2 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disk 3 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disk 4 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disk 5 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disk 6 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disk 7 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disk 8 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disk 9 of 9 (3.5" 1.44 MB DS/HD floppy):

    Directory of A:\


    Disc 1 (CD-ROM):

    Directory of D:\



Installed Directory Contents

Once installed, the following directory structure exists in the game directory:

    Full Install chosen

    Directory of C:\GAMES\ALONE2
    .            <DIR>         05/09/21   13:49
    ..           <DIR>         05/09/21   13:49